martedì 18 dicembre 2012

Harumi, Japanese Lay Missionary

Last week Harumi Machida, a Japanese lay missionary came to stay with our community in Arvaiheer. She is a vibrant, friendly and intelligent young woman who would like to help with the various projects in our mission. She was officially introduced to our parish members at the end of last Sunday's Mass. 

mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012

Dalla parrocchia di Arvaiheer

La neve crea sempre un’atmosfera speciale, quasi magica, difficile da descrivere. Qui nella nostra missione in Mongolia, ora che e’ tutto ricoperto da quella candida coltre bianca, si percepisce un senso di pace e di silenzio. La poesia, pero’, lascia subito spazio alla dura realta’ di freddo e sofferenza di molte famiglie mongole, che scarseggiano di legna e di carbone. Il lungo e rigido inverno e’ iniziato da un bel po’!

giovedì 6 dicembre 2012

The Virgin Mary: Tainted Nature's Solitary Boast

How many people here today chose their mother before their birth?
No one!  None of us were able to choose.  Jesus Christ was the only Person in all of human history who has been able to do so.

If we could choose our mothers, we would probably not want them to be different from what we already have. Thank God! But just think for a moment.